I would like very much congratulate you all for doing your job well. I know you sent me quite a few introductions and I probably didn’t see as many as I should have, which no doubt made your job so much harder, however, one of those introductions was with a lady named Shirley.
Sometimes when you sit and talk with somebody, you know that you have something in common, this was the case with this wonderful woman. Shirley has a charm and grace that is very difficult to describe, yet she has a down to earth nature that makes her great to be with and now she has me, what more can she want!!! (Just kidding)
So, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your constant communications, your forthrightness and also, of course, for introducing me to Shirley.
May I say, Lisa, you are credit to your company and a lovely young lady, good luck for the future.
Kindest regards