It probably seems as though in this day and age, online dating is the only option you have to meet someone. But you are definitely wrong if you think that! Sure, it does seem that way, but old fashioned dating is never out of date. There are things that can be a huge turn off when dating in the 21st century. In this post, we’ll talk about those gripes and how to get over them!
Online Dating
How do we talk about 21st century dating without touching on the subject of online dating? Tinder, Grindr, Snapchat, even Facebook can be a space to meet people. With technology advances and the digital world that’s taken over, it’s hard to have a girl meets boy or vice versa love story. It’s more something along the lines of “I saw this guy/girl on Facebook, we have mutual friends…” While there’s nothing wrong with this, it does take away from the meaning of real human connection. Starting off a conversation online is always easier however when it comes to meeting in real life, it can get extremely challenging to talk face to face.
Disconnected Personalities
The last 2-3 years has seen the world become extremely disconnected by being connected. This social trend is both sad and ironic. By downloading social media apps and holding our phones 24/7 to be as connected as possible, we’re also disconnecting ourselves from our real lives. We are increasingly navigating away from real life and putting more online in the hopes of feeling more wanted, to fit in. We highly recommend unplugging yourself from technology every now and then to help bring yourself back. Improve your communication skills and just talk to your family and friends face to face! It’s more important now than ever.
Dating An Image
What’s the first thing you see when online dating? What is it about the profile that makes you want to get to know them more? It’s more than likely not their name, right? Online dating can be a really shallow way to meet people unfortunately. You more than likely clicked accept or swiped right because of what the profile picture looked like. And that’s okay! It’s just the way the human brain works however, if that one profile picture is all you see, how are you meant to find out more about the person? First of all, how do they look in real life? How do they look when their hair is curly and not straight? Or when they’re wearing work out clothes instead of glammed up for a night out? There are so many different factors to dating online and dating an image is a huge gripe in our opinion.
No Accountability
Ever heard of the term ‘ghosting’? It seems to be a social trend these days with people making plans and flaking. Without any proper communication and simple online conversation, it’s much easier to flake on a date. You probably feel as though you have no responsibility to this person because they are, after all, a stranger. Accountability is dropped because you don’t really know the person. However, if you met them in real life, you’ll definitely have more of an obligation to make an effort.