We love love, however, we feel that when in a relationship, we highly encourage individuals in the couple to have their own independence. There are many stories where relationships sit on their own planet because they’ve secluded themselves so much and establish themselves as a couple, always. There needs to be a sense of independence within the relationship and people may feel that they’re unloving or not as in love with their partner when they feel like they need ‘me time’. We’re here to tell you that it is 100% healthy, normal and a necessity.
Establish ‘Me Time’
If you’re in a new relationship, it’s great to be able to have a quick talk about establishing some ‘me time’. It’s a very simple conversation that’s necessary to every couple. Either having a girl’s/boy’s night every once in a while or even having a couple hours to yourself every single day is a great way to be by yourself and do things that only you enjoy.
Understand Your Partner’s Point of View
Just because you’re a couple, doesn’t mean you’ll always have the same views and perspectives on things. In fact, it’s important to have different perspectives every once in a while because differences is a really effective way to form your independence. If you find yourself agreeing with every single thing your partner says, even though you don’t truly agree, this is a big red flag. Don’t ever be afraid to agree to disagree.
Have Your Own Passions
If you have a passion for something before you start a new relationship, don’t feel as though you need to stop maintaining that passion when you’re in a relationship. Having your own passion keeps your life interesting as you reach new goals, you can also share these goals with your partner and they should be happy for you and support you.
Don’t Change Who You Are
There are people who get into relationships and change who they are so they can be interesting to their partner. In the process of changing, they also completely lose themselves and eventually lose important people in their lives. These people become so invested in the relationship that they lose track of who they truly are and when the relationship stops, they are broken and lost. It’s so vital for every person in a relationship to stay the same, always.