5 First Date Tips to Make a Good Impression
So, you are getting ready for your first date and have an uneasy feeling in your chest. If so, you have come to the right place. Creating a great impression on your first date is important. In fact, there are many things to consider when preparing for your first date, such as what to wear, what to do, and what to talk about. Whether your first date becomes your lifelong partner or not, the first-date tips highlighted in this article will help you navigate the weird and wonderful world of the first date.
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Dress Comfortably
Even though dressing to impress your date is important on your first date, it doesn’t mean you should wear six-inch heels or a tuxedo.
Australian wellness therapist Sandra Ryan believes that being comfortable is key to showing your best self. “You wouldn’t wear clothes that you rarely ever wear on a first date. Both parties are likely to be quite nervous, so it’s nice to wear something that you feel familiar in.”
No matter what you choose to dress on your first date, it’s important that your outfit is comfortable. An easy first-date tip is to dress comfortably so that you can relax and enjoy your date.
Ask Questions
Everybody wants to make a good impression on their first date by showing how smart, eloquent, and witty they are. But if you tend to have a sore throat after every first date, you have been talking too much. The last thing you want to hear is your date telling their friends that all that they did was listen while you blab about yourself 🙂
At Vital Partners, the most common feedback we get from women is that men tend to talk too much about themselves. The woman tends to walk away feeling her man knew nothing about her because he never asked her any questions. Sounds familiar?
One of the biggest differences between men and women when it comes to communication, especially in dating, is that men tend to have negotiation in mind so they tend to talk with information, talking about their work, who they are, and even detailed history about their past relationships, which is not a good idea. Women on the other hand talk with connection in mind. That’s why often the women feel disconnected when the man is not asking them questions, like how her day or week has been or what she likes/dislike and who she is.
By asking questions you start to build rapport with your date and rapport is key to developing chemistry that we all long for.
One of the best first-date tips we can offer is to find out about your date and what they care about. Encourage them to talk about themselves rather than relaying their entire life history during the event.
Don’t Drink Too Much Alcohol!
Don’t overdo it even though a drink or two will let you relax and be more comfortable with your date. You will never know if you made a good impression if everything looks fuzzy the next day.
For Janine Castle, a Gold Coast-based detox expert, staying in control is important if you want a second date. “If you lose all control after drinking, you may say or do some things you’d later regret. Knowing your limits with drinks is important. A few drinks can help lighten up the conversation and make you feel a bit more relaxed, but make sure you know when to cut off, it’s vital.”
Pace yourself and stay hydrated throughout the date and know your limits. That way you can be your best self and make a good impression.
Talk About The Future
Although talking about how you plan to live your life after getting married isn’t a bad thing, a fantastic first date tip is to talk about the immediate future with your date. If things are going well, make references to your second date or some special place where you would like to take your date. That way the date will know you are really interested in them. It is also a great way to see how he or she feels. If your date doesn’t show any interest in a second date or they quickly changed the subject, you can save your plans for someone else.
Pay Close Attention To The Body Language Of Your Date
More than 90% of communication is non-verbal. Often than not, first dates can make us feel nervous. When we’re nervous, it will show in our body language. For example, you may talk too fast, cross your arms, or avoid eye contact. If this happens to you, a great first date tip is to put a big smile on your face and be honest with your date that you may be feeling a little nervous. Maybe you’re just naturally shy, or it has been a while since you’ve been on a date. If you can have a little giggle with your date, it helps break the ice. Besides, both parties will likely be nervous, so expressing your feelings can encourage more open and positive body language.
Australian hypnotherapist Bob Lane stresses the importance of taking note of the body language on display. “You can always pick up subtle cues. Upon first meeting, both parties are likely to be nervous but displaying some open and positive body language can be one way that advances feelings.”
So avoid talking too fast or crossing your arms – communicate with your eyes because this will show that you are comfortable with your first date – lean forward when you speak, this shows you are paying attention and that you are listening. Resist fidgeting or picking up your mobile phone, which by the way should be in your bag or away from you and your date.
Remember, no matter your age, if you are single and looking for a genuine partner to love, give the Vital team a call and share your life with someone special 🙂 Vital Partners are here to help you discover that feeling
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