How to Increase the Friendship in Your Relationship
What’s the secret to making a relationship last while being truly happy and healthy? Friendship is the foundation for every single relationship. If you don’t have that special friendship connection, you’re truly missing out.
According to research by Dr John Gottman, long-term vitality and connection are maintained through moments of intentional friendship woven throughout the course of your relationship. But how do you become friends after you’re in a relationship? Here are some ways to help strengthen your relationship through friendship.
Team Work
When you’re in a relationship, you need to always be on the same team. If an argument broke out where it was you against a friend, you would want your partner to back you up, every single time. You never want to be the enemy of the person you love. When you’re in a relationship, you should always be showing your partner that you are on their side, that you’ll always stand up for them and never allow them to feel alone or defeated.
Embrace Every Little Thing
Relationships are not made up of giant gestures and 5-star quality vacations. Although these things are all very nice additions to a relationship, what makes up a strong and healthy connection is the embracing of small, pivotal things. Its very easy to forget about the small things when life gets in the way but something as simple as picking up your partner’s favourite snack or candy on the way home can make their day.
Experience New Things Together
Ever wanted to bungee jump or go sky diving? Doing these exhilarating new things with a partner can be extremely motivating – plus, you can’t chicken out! Besides extreme activities, you and your partner should be able to experience new things together so that you both have that same feeling walking into the experience. You have a shared moment that you can talk about, understand and enjoy together as a couple.
Talk To Each Other Every Day
Besides the obvious ‘how was your day?’ question, be sure to talk to each other every day. Instead of just saying ‘I had an okay day’ or ‘I had a good day’, explore more into what went on, how you’re feeling and what plans you have for the next day. It’s easy to just say ‘good’ and go on with your everyday routine. However, your day to day life can definitely become bland if there are no obstacles and no further communication.
Friendship is definitely the way to a happy and healthy relationship (among other things). Do you have a good friendship with your partner?