There’s a local dating service in town and it’s probably unlike any internet dating site you’ve experienced; an introduction dating service.
An introduction service is like having your very own personal potential date screener. No more blind introductions on the web. No more wondering if the person on the other end of a chat or email truly looks like their photo or is who their online dating profile portrays them to be. A dating introduction is better than having a best friend or grandma hook you up to the nice girl or guy next door because unlike those that end in disaster due to having nothing in common, a dating introduction service also finds your perfect match. So, how does a proper introduction by a Vital Partners representative to a discerningly screened matched date sound?
Widening your Circle of Friends Leads to Dating and Relationship Success.
We know that many friendships and romances begin when friends introduce one another, but not everyone has a huge circle of friends and acquaintances. This principle is part of Vital Partners dating service success. Since 1986, through our many personally screened clients, we’ve grown our circle of friends and we are happy for you to join it. We are proud of our many successful unions.
At Vital Partners, you aren’t just a name on a list. We want to get to know you as a friend. Once we become friends, we will introduce you to our larger circle of friends, more importantly, those that are matched to your likings.
Our friendly interview process also screens people out who may not be truly available for dating, are only interested in short term relationships or might have some other ulterior motive. Our friends are single and looking for a serious relationship that leads to a more permanent union.
Exchange Information for Dating When you are Confident in Our Choice for You.
The dating profile (as in yours and ours) begins with an informal interview with a Vital Partners staff member. From the start, we want you to as comfortable as you would be with your own family in releasing your information. We promise, for your safety, we will guard your privacy with the utmost of care. We will never give out your to anyone without your permission beforehand.
After we get to know you, we will suggest a match. If you agree to the introduction, and we have your permission, as well as the potential date’s permission, you will be free to exchange information upon receiving one another’s phone numbers. We hope that our first match for you works out perfect, but in case it doesn’t, remember, Vital Partners introduction dating service has a wide circle of friends to share with you.