Invest in Yourself – International Women’s Day Edition
Tomorrow is International Women’s Day so we’ve decided to dedicate this blog post to an incredibly important day. Vital Partners isn’t just a matchmaking business, we also believe very strongly in the power of people. Today’s focus will be about investing in yourself as a person and how to go about doing it even on those days where you’re feeling down or disappointed in yourself.
Investing in yourself is such a powerful trait that can be challenging to obtain, however, once you’ve learnt how to do it, you’ll learn about your own value and potential. What does investing in yourself actually mean?
To invest is to use, give or devote time or talent to a purpose of something. In this case, the purpose is you.
We feel as human beings, it’s absolutely vital to see your full potential and value, to lift yourself up and believe that you can and will in life. Here are our top 5 ways to invest in yourself.
Whether you’re single, married, divorced, or it’s complicated, you need to always make sure you spend some time with yourself. Me time is such an important part of life but most of us tend to forget about it. If you consider sleeping, me time, then you definitely need more time for yourself to relax and reflect.
Self-care is so essential for happiness but why do we feel guilty when we want to get away for a little? Psychologists have said that me time can:
- Reboot the brain
- Helps unwind
- Improves concentration
- More productive
- Space for self-discovery
- Allows time for deep thinking
- Aids in problem-solving
- Enhances relationships
It’s important to remember that confidence shines from the inside out. Feeding your body high-quality food and nutrients makes you feel better from the inside. Unhealthy foods may make you feel good short term however, you’ll come to regret it later on. Besides clean eating and treating your body to a healthy diet, you should also be active on a daily basis to get your heart rate up and energy boost.
“Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be” – Abraham Lincoln.
Being happy is a choice that you make when you wake up each day. Positive people decide how their day will be – they think of all the reasons they can to remain thankful, grateful and happy. Choosing to be happy changes your perspective on life and gives you an opportunity to be open minded in life.
You don’t need to be an expert in singing, dancing or painting to classify yourself as creative. There is creativity in everyone, it’s how you express it that truly matters. Creativity helps us grow personally and professionally as we’re able to hone in on different points of views when stuck in a situation. Thinking creatively allows us to look at alternate options and utilise other parts of our brains that we might not tap into every day.
This is probably the most important one. Before committing yourself to a relationship, new job, new school, you need to know who you truly are and learn to love yourself. The importance of loving yourself is multifaceted – you have your entire life to learn how to love others, but loving yourself first and foremost is vital.