There’s this misconception in the relationship sphere where marriage is basically where sex goes to die – meaning it’s pretty much non-existent. Let’s clear it up and instead, we say that married sex can be the best sex you’ve ever had! How is this possible?
People think that once a couple gets married, sex can become boring and occasional. When in a new relationship, you can’t keep your hands off of each other, you’re willing to explore and do crazy things (positions) and everything is exciting. So why can’t you bring this same perspective into a brand new marriage and keep it ongoing? Here are awesome benefits for married sex!
More Than A Physical Act
Sure, sex is a physical act that brings about pleasure and happiness to people. However, in a marriage, you should remember that it is a lot more complex than just a physical act – it is an expression of love. Being emotionally invested in the intimate act is extremely important – it can help strengthen both the physical and emotional connection. When you change your way of thought from sex being just a physical act to it being a powerful bond, you will enjoy it more.
Foreplay All Day
Now that you’re married, you’re basically with each other 24/7 – this means foreplay, all day. You can spend all day flirting with each other, dropping hints and teasing so that the fire can burn nice and hot at night time. If you’re both at work, you can send sexy messages to your partner and increase the excitement!
Continual Confidence
Your husband or wife will never judge you and always give you confidence. There’s no better sex than when you’re both comfortable with each other. You’re able to ask for what you want without feeling too forward or you’re able to laugh off any awkward moments (because we all have them!).
Experiment Freely
Since you’ve committed to a marriage, you probably know each other better than anyone else. That’s why you should feel free to experiment in the bedroom. You can be open about fantasies, curiosities and needs that you feel you can experiment without feeling embarrassed.
Marriage isn’t just about signing a document, it’s a huge commitment in life that you make to your loved one in front of your friends and family. Have fun in your marriage, especially in the bedroom!