Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
These days, it’s takes more than just love to make a relationship work. Trust, support and respect are just a few of the factors necessary to make a relationship successful. Despite how much we hate breaking up with someone we love, sometimes, it’s the right thing to do. So how do we break up with someone without hurting them too much? Quite frankly, it’s hard to do. How about breaking up with someone by softening the fall? Here are a few things you can do to help you break up with the person you love (or once loved).
Is Breaking Up What You Really Want?
Before you even begin to think of the ways to break up with your partner, ask yourself is this what I truly want? Hurting someone is one thing, regretting it is a whole other ballgame. Love is such a complicated thing that sometimes it’s easy to look at things from the surface. At times, throwing in the towel may seem like the easier thing to do rather than work it out. Ask yourself, is this relationship worth all the effort?
“If you notice an issue, I think first you want to ask yourself, Is that really all it is, or is there something else going on there? Are you feeling pressured? Is it a commitment issue?” – Niloo Dardashti
Face to Face, Always
Put down the phone and step away from social media when it comes to breakups! It’s a rule of thumb that breaking up over text messages or social media is a huge no-no. Whether you’ve been together for 1 day or 1 year, a face-to-face break-up can only show the amount of respect you have for yourself and for your ex-partner. We understand that sometimes, it may feel as though the other person does not deserve a face-to-face break up. They may have broken your heart completely. However, face-to-face break-up can give you the final closure you need to move on.
Be Mentally Prepared
To go from having someone with you for the majority of your time to nobody can be a shock to your mental health. As human beings, we love the feeling of company and having someone to eat with, watch movies with, sleep next to etc. That’s why being mentally prepared is extremely important for your overall well being. It’s always a good idea to go cold turkey in a breakup, delete them from your life and erase any physical memories you have. This can help you overcome any sense of wanting to go back and forget about why you broke up with them in the first place. There’s no doubt that it WILL be hard. To help overcome heartbreak, you can read our blog here!
Surround Yourself With Support
The most important thing you can do during this time is to surround yourself with people who love you. A breakup can easily bring about negative feelings that make you want to eat bad foods or do bad things in a lapse of bad judgement. Connecting with people who love you and bring you laughter can help you move on from your break-up.
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